notes) A Meaningful Prayer Life
November 26, 2014
9:57 PM
Greetings, I (John)
have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Whether you are a
believer or not, a prayer life changes things in a persons life. It is a
personal evolution that over time
develops expectations along with an objective attitude in the daily
walk. It develops a positive outlook. A personal craving to embrace hope. In believers it develops
intimacy with our God.
Objective Truths
It is a strange and most personal world we
face. By design we individualize how each of us see it. Some of this stems from
beliefs passed down through parenting
and collaboration among peers and educators. We cling to the beliefs
that the influences that are pass down to us as children are correct .
The truth
Our development
continues each day we live. We are
humans we are ever changing we are ever evolving. We continue to be molded by
such things as the environment and outside influences. Some of these influences
spiral us into deep depression, with no hope to recover. Many find themselves
at rock-bottom with no where to turn except upwards.
The for mentioned
influences do not have to control us, we do not have to bend to every direction
the wind blows. Man and mankind historically evolves. Evolve meaning ever
changing (not dinosaur Evolution). So many advancements throughout history
however we remain emotional beings, this is the one thing that has been a
constant in human behavior. In other words we are people that rely on our
emotions to guide us , and the scary part is that same emotional people that
hold technological advancements that can set the world a fire with the
slightest provocation.
The Response
How do we stop
mankind from self destruction from being full of hatred or even ill-civilized?
Effective wisdom
tells us to develop good relationships, good mental health and respond to
indifferences wisely. Contrary to feeding human emotions with hatred. As
believers we find easy solutions to prevent self destruction.
Developing a
relationship with God through prayer is a good choice its recommended by 10 out
of 10 pastors. From the psychological view a believer or nonbeliever can
benefit from meditation and prayer. It extends the subjects ability to cope.
Prayer acts as a relief mechanism, by giving hope in the most undesirable
circumstances. Form this point of view it is a positive in the next stage of
human development.
Is having a positive and meaningful prayer life good for the soul?
Still something
holds us back from developing that relationship with God through prayer.
What holds us back?
- Theological doubts. Objections to whom we pray
- Passed down beliefs
- Depression/ memories
What brings us to
- Rock-bottom, desperation
- A need, want or desire
- Passed down beliefs
- Depression /doubts
- Painful times in our lives
There is not much
different from either lists, however it is the perspective how each of us look
at that list. Now look at the lists
again both lists are reasons why we should pray. If you didn't pick it out;
human nature more times than not brings us to our knees over troubled times
more often than any other time in our lives.
You don’t have to
hit rock-bottom or have a tragedy in your life
to start praying. It's not all about how God can do something for you
only in times of need. God is there never taking a vacation, he never puts you
on hold.
I want you to
understand, the way prayer works . Praying to God is not only singing and
worshiping which is directional. Gentiles are accused of being full of empty
words. Meaning we shout praises without meaningful hearts however prayer does
not have to be aimed in one direction. Prayer is not one -directional but
The truthful
definition of prayer should not be limited to:
- Just praising God.
- Asking God for things.
Our prayer life
should build a relationship with the Father through :
- Reflection (sometimes we come to God with a sin or burden)
- Introspection (self examination)
- Contemplation (how are you going to deal with a prayer subject/ maybe there is a way make a wrong a right. Buying a big item like a business or house)
- Meditation (reflecting back and sometimes just listening to the silence)
Remember when you are Developing a rewarding prayer life
- A prayer life has different elements such as levels of intimacy with God.
- Letting the Word speak to you while conversing with God through fellowship of the Spirit.
- Prayer is abiding in Christ meaning connecting with Him.
- It is an encounter that leads us intimately to God's heart
Prayer in Hebrew is
"to know oneself"; the word is Tefillah. Remember we don't pray to change God's mind,
God knows our every need. Prayer is designed to communicate a relationship with
Him. Prayer is a healthy path that changes us. Prayers are always answered, yet
sometimes we don't like the answer.
Jesus Teaches
the disciples to pray Luke 11
The Disciples watch
Jesus pray and when he finished they asked Him to teach them to pray as he had.
It was apparent that they had seen a intimate relationship between Jesus and
the Father. After we analyze the Lords Prayer as it so called. A prayer guide was developed.
1. Preparation for
Prayer; 2. Elements of Prayer; a. Adoration; Adoration of The Father, Adoration of The Son, Adoration of The Spirit
b. Confession
c. Thanksgiving; d.
3. Summary
What I can pray
Adoration (worship)
- Rev. 5:8-14
God's person (who He
is) - Isa. 6:3
God's Works (what He
has done) - Ps. 103
Confession - 1 John
Personal sins (in
deed, thought, or word) - Ps. 32:5
Family sins - Lev.
Church body sins -
Dan. 9:3-19
National sins -
Jonah 3:5-10
Thanksgiving - Ps.
For trials - James
For blessings - 1
Chron. 16:7-36
For everything - 1
Thess. 5:18
Supplication - Matt.
For my family -
Matt. 6:11
For my local church
- Col. 1:9-12
For the church
worldwide - Eph. 6:18-19
For individual
Christians - Acts 12:5
For individual
non-Christians - Matt. 5:44
For my nation - 1
Tim. 2:1-2
For myself - James
HAK Ministries 1/10/15 KAB [NKJV]
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