Electronic mail
Electronic mail, most commonly called email or e-mail. This is a method of exchanging digital messages across the World wide Internet or other computer networks such as military as well as home or office.
Great invention and conceptions of the mind and the need to communicate quickly between two fixed points in and office or in great distance, however man wouldn’t be satisfied with just two computers communicating with one or the other, man has to be inventive. Communication between two, three and up to thousands of computers at one time are at the very hand of the sender. The technology behind emails alone has grown leaps and bounds, over just a short life-span. I would like to say emails have been around a long time. Put in to perspective, emailing started only a few years ago. Addresses had to be given to each computer as a reference point. You need both contact points of reference to receive and send emails.
Learn to Communicate:
To communicate properly one needs to learn how to speak to his audience properly. The sender is liable for the content form that represented in the email. Dawn McKay explains in an article seven things to watch out for while using the emails for a source of communication. One, mind your manners; refer to persons using the Mr., Ms, and Mrs. Two, watch your tone. When speaking to another, jokes and such will not be taken well by the recipient; jokes are best left for the face to face interaction. Three, Get to the point of your email as quickly as possible, but don't leave out important details that will help your recipient understand. Four, be professional. Five, use correct spelling and proper grammar. Six always ask before sending attachments. Seven, never fill in the (TO) section until finished, keeping the sender from sending the mailer to the wrong person or perhaps inappropriate mailings to a recipient. (Dawn Rosenberg McKay, 2010) (Brewer, K,2010)
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