Thursday, February 20, 2014

From Connect 123: We are proud to  partner with Hug a Kid Network.

The Living Word inspires the Hug a Kid’s mission to strive in the communities, to continually impact lives and remain as a positive social influence. Together with charitable partnerships we recognize the needs of others encompassing the philosophy of Christian and civic minded core values.

The men and women of the Gospel Church are at the living heart of each outreach mission working and living within the communities to which they serve. Hug a Kids outreach missions believe in teaching by example (Titus 2:7) while going above and be-on normal requirements.
The Hug a Kid Network was founded in April 2013 on positive principles taught over the years of Christian growth, the need of the community and of the value of life. Two went and others followed, with the inspiration of a (TLT, Timothy Leadership Training Institute) a Timothy study.

 Two like-minded educators sought out a community filled with children early April of 2013. I flew over to The Philippines and my first day of ministry I watch as these remarkable lady’s contribute to the welfare and fellowship in this community. Thus the name of Hug a Kid Network was formed.

With a heavy heart I was moved and later that same day was inspired to continue to aid of this community filled with more children than adults. As this mission continues to serve both adults and children as they attend services each week for games, singing snacks and verse. Although the name is coined for one outreach started in this manner; however our hopes are as the ministry grows it will encompass the entire outreach programs that our Gospel Church is involved with under the Ministry leadership of Pastor Tim Tapang. 

The Berean Gospel Church serves the surrounding communities with outreaches that fan out into four directions. The Gospel outreaches start out in the San Carlos City and string up the mountain highway in one direction and across the sea to Sip-away Island a mile or more away in the other. Under the responsibility of Pastor Tapang to which I would estimate of over 400 plus persons are reached. If you were to find yourselves in the area of San Carlos Negros Philippines drop in to our humble Church. Just go to the Sea Port and take a right, you cannot miss the tall pink building we call home. KB

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Window 7 updates Thursday Morning

You know a noise woke me this morning around 4:45 am. I snuck through the house peering through blinds; I walked into my office and found a back-light computer screen. I waited after letting my little buddy out to do his thing, came back and it still was a funky shade of nothingness. I realized it must have been an update, so at 3 am until 6 am the computer hadn't restarted. Yes I shut it down and restarted it. The same thing happened, no reboot. I let the dog in and closed up the house from the sub-freezing temps outdoors and went back and turned off the machine again hopping I wasn't going to have to re-format my HDD. No big deal since I have a drive mirrored to a start-up for this machine anyway only current data and setting would be slightly different and a years’ worth of data would be lost. No big issue either some stuff is kept in the cloud or on my server.

I restarted a second time in Ubuntu mode and I can’t find anything to start with it basically told me, so I knew it was a update error. It was Thursday and at 3 am it will load up all that Microsoft has to send. I controlled alt delete as suggested by the machine and tried again still the same so this time I let Windows load. No prob! I opened it up and all was well made sure the net card was working and then checked the update and I had three failed updates. I manually started them and when the system was ready to restart I did. Keeping my fingers crossed may or may not have helped but a good 3 min later I was blogging this message to you.

Errors: was to do with SP1 on the 1) Net.frame and 2 different Win server 8 updates. All is well and restored and working well. So no worry if this happens during Win 7’s update. I’ll go back and see if my Ubuntu will start up now. I’ll let you know if I this destroyed anything.

It was kind of strange to see a restart take over 3 hours after a update, it concerns us when we see this happen, we panic at times I know I used to. I've learned many thing since the old days of Win 95 or prior. With all the advancements we think it should work right every time we sit down in front of them. If only! That’s why people like me have phone numbers and that’s why you call. Oh that noise this early morning? It was a new strange cat in the area. Cute and skinny and I bet hungry and cold looking to find a warm bed and a meal. I called for the poor thing. It never even glanced back to say hey!      

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

“Praying without ceasing” means at least four things.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Paul is writing this into the lesson. He is deeply concerned about the people in Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 as he (Paul) challenges this in a command. 

There is a spirit of dependence that should permeate all we do.

This is the very core of praying. This is a deep and abiding dependency that we place on God, we find it coming from a deep down place we call our heart. When he says pray continuously he means in this sense to never stop.

Two: Praying in this manner also means to repeat praying throughout the day, often.

 In Romans 1:9 “For God is my witness, who so ever I serve with my heart or spirit in the Gospel of His Son that without ceasing I mention You”! This reminds us so never to forget who we are praying to and why. 

Thirdly: That we never give up on a prayer life.

No matter what bad luck, whatever low point you get to in life; never give up or abandon the hope we have in God. Do not lose heart. Keep praying and never cease. Communicate your needs in Luke 11:2-4 we read how we need to pray by the example he leaves us in this chapter.

Fourthly: Prayer helps maintain our daily walk in goodness, or walk in a Christian life.

A prayer life allows us to stay in communication with God, he helps maintain our day. It’s like checking the gas gauge or oil in a car before we take out on a journey so the unexpected doesn't happen.

Remember this doesn’t mean all day go without your daily activities, still does it mean that in our busy life style we should only pray when an ideal time arises? No! Least not forget to include the daily time we need to set aside for prayer. Early in the morning before your first cup, during your meal times, on the commute to work or even with our family before we turn in at night. Traditionally we do this in many families, still how we get away from these good habits. God is listening, He is all powerful, and He is and remains all knowing.
Window XP  Part II

If you have read or listen to my ranting’s I am a diehard fan of what works. I recently worked these past three months on a contract that still uses Win XP Pro. The new machines they were using had window 7 licenses on them however the software was non-compatible with Win 7.  

Win 7 has newer and easier to use features and most people like it, I do for one. Switching from my home office and work really takes a bit to get used to. I find myself saying I miss my home office computers OS over XP. Laugh because someone knows what I am talking about. It isn’t as bad as working on Mac and then on windows, now that’s a little harder. Most mac users do not want to change once they get use to the quality of an IOS.

There are still questions? Yes I know so why don’t software makers off an upgrade plug in, or something on that line. They do, still a lot of call centers have web-front dynamic software designed for them explicitly. Such as Call Center data handling, call centers rarely keep their client information on-site. The web-front is there to have CSR’s input and look up data on a customer and then it will transfer that info to and fro via internet to company-based servers. Therfore the redevelopment of this client server software becomes too expensive to change overnight. Microsoft knew this and gave extended time for the transition.    

 Good luck with the upgraded system. Oh here is another thing to think about! Windows 9 is around the corner. Maybe a little wait is in order. Hang on to Windows XP for a while longer 9 might just surprise us all. Cloud-based information storage is becoming more important in our changing ways of thought and how we do business.  
 The end of Windows XP

Keeping up with all my duties are pains taking at times. I’ve neglected my blogs quite severely. Matter of fact that was never my intention, let me begin on talking about the up and coming of an era. April is the deadline for XP, it will sad to see such a good friend go. Stable easy to use and a work horse in the office.
You know there will be die-hard fans grasping at its shirt tail and hanging on until the bitter end long after April has come and gone. Now some have been asking why hang on to old methods we surly don’t want to return to Win 98 so why XP? If you are one of those offices that are holding on to XP, you probably have asked this for over a year now.

Here are a couple of explanations to why XP is so important. Money is the bottom line for everyone, even for those with unseemly loads of wealth. Have you seen the cost of software? Not just what you buy at the geek store. Discounts are pretty good, still if you ever worked in acquisitions in a company you know that software in the middle market business is so high it is cost preventive to switch to a new Operating system and buy all new software that works on Win 8 or 7. Reason two for sticking with Windows XP, at 39 % is that a lot of “Crucial software depends on Windows XP." Thirdly is that it has been a good dependable system so why fix what isn't broke. The compatibility mode, really it is not such a good idea. With 500 or even 1000 plus computers, good old Charlie in IT will be on your computer more than its user. No company wants to keep a large IT staff; they bring us in for project and then the IT team will leave when the project is done
Migration project are costly and disruptive to the business in whole. I’m dissuading the concept that is my bread and butter after all. However it is a reality that IT contractors work from project to project and scrimp in the off months. This business with ending XP may stimulate my business however companies have been given fair warning to get there ducks in a row. Let’s hope most companies will not be so blindsided by this move in the industry norm.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Prayer | What can we do when God is silent or says no! | From the (Selfish Man Series)

Prayer What can we do when God is silent or says no!From the (Selfish Man Series) 

Something that dwells on our heart, we pray. Praying is a part of our nature as man. Wishing or making a wish is a prayer like form, however in the Christian walk we are encouraged each morning to pray, at meal times and before we sleep. That is the natural possession of our days since childhood. Prayer has become scheduled in our Churches. It is not a bad thing. Schedules are reminders of when to do things, and organization is a tool used in planning successful events, to include services.

So let’s get to prayer in our personal life. The unscheduled prayers in our life when no one is around, and no one is listening, just you and the Father! Be honest we all have desires, dreams and wants as well as needs, right? Sometimes we entertain these in expressed individual and honest prayers to God. We are selfish? Personally I always struggled a little bit with that concept, and I find myself asking others to pray for my needs, because I feel guilty in praying for myself, feeling I am being selfish.

The other mater is. Then too it is a hard thing to face when I realize latter my selfish needed prayer was answered with a NO! I never resented the Father for the no answer. I questioned it, yes. Still I learned latter the reason should have been clear to me all along. If you are like most, you might find it hard to be rejected when one of your desires you hoped for is answered with a no. We may even feel rejected, resentment may occur because by human standards we want acceptance.

As a growing believer, a Christian we seek Gods heart, His acceptance. We find ways in our daily walk to do things for good ignoring ourselves of things we personally want. The example in the Old testament of King David’s desire to build the temple to the Lord in First Chronicles 28:2. His dream went unfulfilled; however that dream was passed on to Solomon. Although the answer was NO! God remained his diligence and allowed the King’s focus to remain on Israel and pass it on to another.

The lesson here is in the next few lines, oh when you get a chance read the first book of Chronicles chapter 29:10 through 19. "Blessed are You, O LORD God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; yours is the dominion, O LORD, and you exalt yourself as head over all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all, and in your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone."29:10-12 (Bible)

In this passage we can see that the David was not revengeful or loathed pitifully or showed he was angry, still yet it was the opposite he exalted the Father. Expressing that God supplied all their needs. He concentrated in his prayer for the people in his prayers to” strengthen everyone”. He prays for the temple and his son before he dies. (Swindoll., 2011)

Gods answer was no to David however we see from our Bible history lessons it was for a reason. It was answered in a way that we saw after his death it could only be fulfilled. This is when the no answer for one is a wait for others. Perhaps it’s not time to even get a direct answer because it is not for your moment and time. That time and purpose might be for others or perhaps your plans do not fit in what He has planned for you. (Brewer, 2013,2014)
In closing let’s take a lesson from David and give thanks and praise that God loved us so that he interceded and protected us from ourselves. God’s pre-planned purposes do not die with us.
(Swindoll., 2011) 

This lesson was inspired from the following:

Bible NKJV
Brewer, K. A. (2013,2014, Nov, Dec, Jan). The Word Reviled. Selfish man. Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA: Connect 123|Hug a Kid Network.
Swindoll., C. R. (2011, July 27). , David: A Man of Passion & Destiny. Retrieved from

Monday, February 3, 2014

LOL Windows 8

I don’t have too many stories to tell anyone about Windows 8, I just know it didn't work for me. I wrote an article a year or so ago on my experiment and still have that Bata version of Win 8 in my catalog of ISO’s. The idea was to compete with the based versions of Ubuntu, Linux and I operating strategies. There were or are attempts to tweak the machine so it preforms more like the more successful Windows 7. Ubuntu in a recent past put the plan of a totally Ubuntu operating system on a phone. The Analysis includes people participating in a false buying mart research. Consumers were asked to make factious purchases of the phone and when they got to a certain number that would reconsider whether to market the phone.  They didn't! I would have looked forward to one just out of kicks and giggles; thus sayeth the techno junkie in me. I am also practical and if pricing would be too high for get it!

What works best?

What works best is go old reliability. We found over the years of techno boost and advancements that the operating systems we all liked were being put out to pasture. Well right now we haven’t worked with Windows 9 yet so let us keep that for ourselves for now. The ones we did and didn't like are still around somewhere someplace. I saw a Dino-Windows 98 still working and doing e mail. I remember it was a success. The remember Windows Millennium Edition (Me) what a miserable failure. Now the wonderful Windows XP still a success. Now don’t forget the good old` Vista, Windows Vista was a failure. Then the next generation and still among the favorites weighing in as a light weight doing the heavy lifting Windows 7 still packing  a success, however the contender to everyone’s hoping success is the now used Windows 8; Windows 8 was a failure. Looking at a pattern it seems like every other version has a success story. I guess it’s up for Windows 9 to outshine them all.

Window 9

Really so soon, what is wrong with 7? It isn't so old it is outdated already, is it? Not by a long shot, yet you do know and mark my words. Windows 7 will hang around for a long time like XP has that is if MS will let it. We face the edge of an era the brink of closure for good old Win XP. The security measure keeping it on the desk will surpass the cost effectiveness of maintaining it. With that said, now would be the time third party developers to negotiate with MS to keep it going, for the Call centers  and other business that wish to keep it going, however it’s not for prosperity by any means. X P was a design that helped in the workforce mainstream for years. It was and remains a stable Operating environment for workstations worldwide.

Windows 8

It was never intended for the workforce as I ever seen. If the monitor wasn't

a touch screen you may as well use Win 7. There were guides as I mentioned to adapt Win 8 to perform more like Win 7 I never even bothered. Yes and Office 365 dear attempt to bring us into the ultimate enterprise workstation. Cloud based office handling isn't for everyone. The cost effectiveness is still high. Buying server time? While bring us to Azure. Use the web to connect with your own device. I love Evernote™ for just that thing. I know that not every free app out there is going to help you do all your work and eventually if you use an app long enough you will run out of space and will end up buying cloud time anyway.

Upon Cloud 9 

It looks like that is the way we are heading. Cloud software is enabling on almost every app we see being developed. From calling a Taxi from your phone to keeping movie and music off your memory in your phone, you simply press a Icon on the touch screen and the domain is called up and presto like magic a movie is streamed to whatever device you are using. Now that is only one example of how the Cloud world works. FTP’s File transfer protocols are easier now days we can access our needed information in a moment’s time. Press an app then type in a search and that info is transported to your phone like Captain Kirk to a green planet.  
It’s only logical we become more advance with our technology. We diligently search for new ways to out run the competition for bigger and better things that consumers want. Ease of use is the way to go, people want speed, and the faster they get there the more time to do something else, maybe?  I realize I sound cynical and I have been over Windows 8 from the beginning, yet not for the pattern in which way the Windows versions and created in every other OS being a good one, however It was a quick attempt to keep up with Android and IO’s while trying to stay in the game.

Looking past 8

Moving on down the line, we look at the new and uprising hopeful Windows 9. If they focus on an enterprise edition such as pro and keep off the grass so to speak, platform of trying to perform like its look like Android they will be okay. Here is suggestion! Develop a window version of Android like as in 8, make it user friendly without the freeze up and crashes and it could be a device OS only where as it would access Window systems as it already does on an exchange level. And for the Laptop a toggle could be made for either mode work or play.

Android has a development you might like. The little Tablets like we love to carry and use. How about an all Android OS for your machine as well as your phone and Tablet? Food for thought!