Almost daily most of us have some type of interaction with one or more persons. The delivery person, the store clerk, the boss and even family members. Each with behavioral tendinitises of their own. I believe we adapt to persons and the environment that we interact with. Then we change with it throughout the day as the surrounding events present themselves.The start of the day presents itself with things that will effect us and influence our attitude towards others and our daily performance. In this type of situation our attitudes become mirror reflections of the environment that surrounds us.
Presentation and Communication
Presentation and Communication are two important skills that should go hand in hand and become a part of your personal nature. Speaking well, using words with purpose and meaning, using language skills and words the audience will understand. Preforming an artistry in self presentation is assurance you will be received well by others. Appearance, communication, and knowledgeably subject matter will equal presentation.
Scheduled speaking engagements are normally presented at the beginning of the day, to avoid a warn tired and stressed-out speaker. Attitudes are easier to self-manage without the stress for a long day.
3 effective oral communication skills:
1. Idea, of what to speak about.
2. Accurate presentation, of material.
a. Keeping in mind diversity, and correctness.
3. Listen to feedback, from the listener.
First of all I may find it necessary to write down what idea I have to speak about, before I deliver the message. By doing this it will help me stay focused on the body of the subject. Basic strategy contained in the delivering message has to precise. By keeping the sentence structure short and to the point. When speaking a person should not speak with long words that no one understands. A person should speak at moderate education level leaving no one for chance of not understanding the point. All the while when speeches are delivered two things to keep in mind is not to offend persons by political incorrectness.
Pending on how the speech is delivered. Having a question answer forum and the end or of such. As the speaker is communicating listeners will develop questions and comments as time goes by. After every speech, may it be a sermon, may it be a political speech from the old soapbox. I have to listen to those to whom I speak. As the speaker I might pick a hand full of persons to look at during the delivery. Eye contact is very important. By diverting your eyes might show the listener you might not being quit truthful, and too is discourteous.
Placing myself in a situation that I would have to use this skill; I would then have to overcome my personal hang-ups of speaking to someone in a position such as a congregation or class. I then would prepare my speech by going over the material and subject matter that I will deliver my Sunday school class.
For example a situation for a communication, which would need to be well thought out and delivered properly without offence to my listeners, yet to a direct point. To be nondiscriminatory in my speech would be kind of hard to do sometimes when speaking on a religious them. For example, if I chose the subject of Alcoholism it will offend most likely offend the occasional drinker. Not all subject matter in a religion hall will be spoken with political and ethical candor.
I have been fortunate to be able to talk upon subjects and teach with little backfire. Unlike the pulpit Preacher classroom teachers get feedback from the listeners right away. Communications between me and the group have developed in an extraordinary way; in the past I just hoped that I would deliver the lessons in which it is appropriate
The situation was in a senior’s Sunday school class I lead now and then. Subject doesn’t matter. However the delivery skill used does; I prepare in the lesson by studding and being absolute knowledgeable on the content. I write down the lesson in an outline form sometimes. Mostly I remember and wing it. It turns out alright because of class participation.
I believe the effectiveness is good, but how much better it could have been if I would have put more effort into the speech, or lesson. Meaning the effort I should have put into the communication preparedness.
On a scale 1-10 the oral lessons, did just fine in my situation, and I owe that to participation by the listeners.
With a lot of help from the audience you will see acknowledgement from those who understood the message. If the situation is advisable, a Q&A session reviles feedback, from this the audience will give you an indication of your effectiveness.
In conclusion:
We all have the need to communicate; perhaps we can use several methods, oral, light or sound signals like Morris code, sign language, to name a few. First of all we need something to communicate, an idea or a reason for one. Second I must consider the means that I will convey, what we need to say. Perhaps I’ll write a poem, maybe a letter, perhaps a public announcement.